Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is your baby safe in your home

Babies are highly inquisitive naturally and they try to touch, taste things and finally want to discover something. Not realizing whether, whatever they are trying to explore is dangerous or not, they try to investigate things. Such a probing nature of babies, make them vulnerable to accidents ending with severe injuries. Consequently parents must take care of safety of the baby, remove possible hazards in their home and ensure that baby will not harm itself. Here I will try to compile the useful tips to ensure baby safety based on whatever I have seen in my crèche and heard from parents.

The common problem in crèche, which is unlikely to happen in home, is that one baby trying to explore other baby’s eyes. Blinking nature of eyes of each baby, makes it curious for other babies, that they finally try to probe the eyes with their fingers. Whenever you are in function where there are number of babies, make sure that your baby’s eyes are not hurt by other babies.

In home the common threat to baby safety comes with sharp objects which are lying on the floor. Babies get severely wounded when trying to play with sharp objects like knife, scissors. Make sure that harmful objects are far away from the reach of babies. Medicines, poisonous material must be kept high above so that babies never reach them. When you are cleaning your items in the trash make sure, your baby is not nearby. Spills of cleaning fluid might harm baby’s eyes. Small items which are not edible, but might look like eatables are dangerous to babies as babies might try to eat them. Remove such items from babies. Good examples are coins, small magnets etc.

Gas burners must be childproofed and all electrical connections must be covered to prevent baby from assessing the connections. While cooking, make sure that you baby is not nearby as hot items are dangerous to babies. In bathrooms all slippery items like soaps; shampoo must be removed from baby’s path. Never leave your baby inside the bath tub for attending phone calls or door bells. Your balcony must be properly protected if the baby is able to squeeze through the balcony openings. If you have plants in your home make sure that they are not thorny otherwise they might badly harm your baby.

Finally even if your home is perfectly baby proofed never leave your baby alone or unattended, the magic word is “There is no alternate for a guardian of your baby”.

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1 comment:

  1. Very nice advice. Children are so quick to find something dangerous!

    Jeri Shaffer
